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Training Practice

What is a training practice?

A training practice is one that facilitates qualified doctors in becoming registered GPs. They like to provide high levels of clinical care to their patients and so enable other doctors who may become GPs to learn from these standards.

Why is a training practice Good for Patients?

In order to become accredited, a training practice has to achieve and maintain a high standard of organisation, skill and clinical care. It has to work effectively as a team and to provide a learning and supportive environment, not just for the training doctors, but for all the members of the practice team. As a patient you will have the opportunity in helping shape the way a GP may practice in the future from what they have learnt from treating you.

How will it affect me as a Patient?

Although the core of the clinical team will remain the same, you will notice that the registrars change periodically. When making an appointment, you may be offered an appointment with one of the registrars, who will always work under the supervision of an experienced GP. Sometimes the supervisor and registrar may see you together. You may be asked if you mind having your consultation video-recorded for training purposes. As part of the teaching commitment, doctors from other practices occasionally visit the health centre to assess the standard of our records and the care given. If you object to your notes being made available for this purpose, please let us know. All members of the practice team are committed to the maintenance of patient confidentiality.

Recording Patient Consultations for Training Purposes

As part of this training programme, we regularly use telephone and video for patient consultations and recordings of them are assessed as part of the educational process. You may be visiting this page as you have been asked permission for a telephone or video consultation with a doctor to be recorded.

The telephone and video recording is ONLY of you and the doctor talking together. Intimate examinations will not be recorded and video recording can be switched off on request. All recordings are carried out according to guidelines issued by the General Medical Council.

Only those persons who have legal access to your medical records will see the video or hear the recording, and also doctors and advisers involved in assessment. Its use will be limited to the assessment of the doctor with whom you are consulting and possibly for research, learning and teaching purposes.

During COVID we will be using the FourteenFish mobile phone applications for the recording of video consultations, and uploading to secure sites for assessment. They are both subject to the same degree of confidentiality and security as medical records. Recordings will be erased as soon as practicable and in any event within three years. Please visit the FourteenFish website here:

These services are relatively new to GP surgeries and have been swiftly procured so that doctors can continue through their GP qualifications whilst under pandemic lockdown. Our Data Protection Officers are working through the compliance documents, to ensure they meet the NHS’ strict GDPR guidelines.